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How To Maximize Fat Loss with HIIT Cardio
Fitness Inventor - Mark Gilbert
MUSCLE INSIDER columnist Mark Gilbert definitely practices what he preaches. Recently, he has co-authored a book in cooperation with Muscle & Fitness on HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT). ... more
Does Alcohol Impair Muscle Growth
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
Several studies show the adverse effects of alcohol on muscle growth. Alcohol, consumed either occasionally or frequently, decreases protein
synthesis and affects Type II muscle fibres (the kind that... more
Common Injuries among bodybuilders and powerlifters
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
The most common injuries are with the shoulders, then the lower back. The most common shoulder injury is the barbell bench press subscapularis myofasciitis. This is a dysfunction of the largest... more
The bench press and pec tears
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
The main chest exercises used by most people in gyms are the barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell fl y, incline dumbbell press, and Pec Deck. Out of all of these exercises, the barbell... more
Strawberry Mousse Shake
Power Eating - Lauren Jacobsen
Strawberry mousse shake 1 cup egg whites 4 big strawberries, sliced 125 g fat-free cottage cheese 1 pinch stevia 1 cup strawberry protein powder 1 pinch cream of tartarDIRECTIONS 1. Beat egg... more
How Much Protein Do Women Need?
Power Eating - Lauren Jacobsen
Q: Scott Welch said that there’s new research that shows that women should not take in more than 10 grams per meal, but that guy’s out to lunch! His magazine is great, but he doesn’t know anything... more
