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QUESTION: I see more and more antioxidants being included in sports supplement formulas. Can athletes really benefit from taking antioxidant supplements? ANSWER: Yes, athletes can definitely benefit... more
Best time to use BCAAs
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
QUESTION: When’s the best time to use a BCAA supplement? And do I really need to supplement with BCAAs if I’m already eating lots of protein every day? ANSWER During exercise—or any strenuous... more
Which Cardio Method Is Best for fat loss?
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
Q. Are you a proponent of LISS, MISS or HIIT cardio for fat loss? A. I’m a proponent of all three forms of cardio for fat loss. It all depends on my client’s individual body type, goals, athletic... more
Heavy Squatting And Recovery Supplements
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
QUESTION: My doctor told me to stay away from heavy squatting because it will kill my knees and lower back. If I can’t squat, what should I be doing instead? ANSWER: First of all, I’d find a new... more
Nutrition and Cancer Prevention
Uncensored - Scott Welch
My father was just diagnosed with stage one lung cancer. When I got this terrible news, my parents were driving out of the cancer centre in Sudbury, Ontario. My family and friends were sympathetic,... more
Q. Are all women predisposed to carrying fat or gaining weight in their hips, thighs, and buttocks? If so, what can they do about it in the weight room? A. Men and women store fat VERY differently.... more
