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Jaime Filer

Jaime Filer

Jaime Filer graduated with a kinesiology degree from York University, where she was a varsity athlete. She’s also a former competitive bodybuilder who competed in drug-tested events throughout North America. If something new is trending in fitness, chances are Jaime’s already tried it!


Supplement In The Zone

Red Bull gives you wings and takes away...

Fat Loss In The Zone

More turkey for more muscles...

Health In The Zone

Food actually hydrates you better than water...

Arnold Classic 2015 predictions

Arguably the biggest show of the first...

Ridiculous Name, Awesome Results!
It’s known as bladderwrack seaweed. Or...

Popeye Was on to Something
Ecdysteroids are the steroid compounds in...

Ladies! A way to get your man up … off the couch!
Austrian scientists...

H2Oh! Drinking and eating water helps keep you slim!
Everyone knows the...

Yogurt in addition to lunch and dinner helps aid fat loss
Some people...

Under Construction: Movie Review

