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Q. What’s the buzz on Coenzyme Q10? A. In many ways, Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is one of the most powerful nutrients in our bodies. It plays a critical role in the proper functioning of your cells as... more
Q. What's your take on using digestive enzymes? A. I only recommend enzymes if you’re still breathing! If you’ve reached room temperature, don’t worry about it. Because so many things cause a... more
Q. Scott, just wanted to say keep up the great work. I have been sharing this magazine with everyone I know who is into fitness and bodybuilding they all love it. Met you at World Gym Kitchener, and... more
Strawberry Mousse
Anabolic Cooking - Dave Ruel
Strawberry Mousse Makes 2 servings Ingredients • 1 cup egg whites • 4 big strawberries, sliced • 125 g fat-free cottage cheese • 1 pinch stevia • 1 cup strawberry protein powder • 1 pinch... more
Rosemary Marinated Salmon
Anabolic Cooking - Dave Ruel
Rosemary Marinated Salmon Makes 4 servings Ingredients 1 Tbsp lemon juice ½ tsp rosemary, crumbled, or 2 tsp fresh, chopped 4 tsp olive oil 4 × 6-oz. salmon steaks Pepper, to... more
Mini Muscle Meat Loaves
Anabolic Cooking - Dave Ruel
Mini Muscle Meat Loaves Makes 8 servings Ingredients 2 lb. extra-lean ground beef (or any lean red meat) 1 diced onion 1 tsp garlic powder 1 cup oatmeal 1 whole egg ¼ cup... more
