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Chocolate Mocha Almond Protein Power Cookies
BodybuildingCookBook.com - Laura Creavalle
Chocolate Mocha Almond Protein Power Cookies 6 egg whites 1¾ cups oatmeal 2 tsp brown sugar replacement 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ cup mashed ripe banana 4 scoops chocolate whey... more
Liquid Supplements
The Informant - The Informant
Q. I hear that liquid supplements are more absorbable than capsules and tablets. Is that true? A. Some liquids are more absorbable than others. Let me explain why. First, good water solubility is... more
Powerlifters vs Bodybuilders
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
Q. I’ve heard that powerlifters are even heavier and more hardcore users of supplements than bodybuilders. Do you believe this is true and, if so, why? A. I think powerlifters and bodybuilders... more
Shock Wave Therapy
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
Q. I’ve heard some of the top pros are using shock wave therapy to repair muscle and grow faster. What’s your opinion on this treatment? A. Shock wave therapy, which is known as ESWT (... more
Q. Do you use pre-workout and/or post-workout products? What do you think the benefits are of using these products? A. Pre- and post-workout products can be useful components in a successful... more
Low Fat vs Low Carb
Q. What’s your opinion on low-fat versus low-carb dieting for pre-contest diets? A. There’s been a lot of controversy about various competition prep methods. For my own prep, I’ve tried virtually... more
