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Mike Davies Fitness Bootcamp - Day 2 - AM
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Mike Davies Fitness Bootcamp - Day 2 - AM "Girls make mistakes, But you can't be an ass." - Mike Davies, on whether he's ever kicked a girl off his team ITINERARY: 6:00am - I arise bright and early... more
Mike Davies Fitness Bootcamp - Day 1 - PM
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Mike Davies Fitness Weekend – Day 1 – PM “Women empower each other, Girls compete against each other” – Colleen from The Crystal Suit ITINERARY: 12:08pm – About to enter the gym again; questioning... more
Vitargo Or Waxy Maize?
The Bodybuilding Professor - Bryan Haycock
I hear a lot about a carb powder called Vitargo. They say it’s the best to replenish glycogen after a workout. I also hear the same thing about waxy maize, which I can get a lot cheaper these days.... more
Clenbuterol Or Cytomel?
The Bodybuilding Professor - Bryan Haycock
I was thinking of using clenbuterol or Cytomel. I’m leaning towards the clen. What do you think would be best? WARNING: The following is meant for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to... more
What Is Stearic Acid?
The Informant - The Informant
What’s stearic acid, and why is it used in supplements? Does it interfere with the absorption of vitamins? Stearic acid is an essential saturated fat found in all vegetable, seed, nut, and animal... more
Help! I A Need Diet A Plan
Muscle Diet - Mark Gilbert
I read your online column on Muscle-Insider.com while I’m at work, and you’re one of the smartest in the industry by far! How much does it cost to hire you to do my diet? I doubt that I’m the “... more
