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How Many Calories To Bulk Up?
Muscle Diet - Mark Gilbert
For bulking, how many calories should I take in? We’ve just had a similar question on our FitnessInventor.com website. For those who don’t know, Fitness Inventor is a fitness, health, and sports... more
It seems like every time I turn on the news, I see a supplement company being busted for quality-control issues. The media seem to hop on any negative supplement story any chance they get! What about... more
The Next Big Supplement?
The Informant - The Informant
What do you think is the next big thing in the supplement industry?  The next big thing is a tough question. It seems that there hasn't been a real next big thing in a while. I personally feel that... more
Nitric Oxide Supplements
The Informant - The Informant
What’s your take on nitric oxide supplements like arginine and AAKG? It seems like AAKG is getting replaced by newer precursors. Without a doubt, this is already happening, and the products are amino... more
Is Casein Better Than Whey?
Muscle Diet - Mark Gilbert
I keep hearing that whey protein only lasts for about two hours in your system and that it’s not anti-catabolic. If this is true, how come so many guys use whey? Is casein better? I've heard and read... more
What is  your opinion on D-Aspartic Acid as a test booster versus Tribulus or ZMA? First off, I have to say that I really like both tribulus and ZMA as test-boosting ingredients. In fact, both... more
