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Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy

Educated at the University of Western Ontario, Dan employs his degree in Kinesiology as the foundation of his personal training business Elite Physique. He’s also a National level bodybuilder and judge. Dan’s earned a reputation for his knowledge and his tell-it-like-it-is approach to performance enhancement!


Q. What is the stupidest pre-contest prep mistake you’ve ever seen?


Q. I’m 5 10" and weigh 180 pounds. I can bench press 185 for 8, squat 255 for 6 and...

Q: I currently live in Ontario and am a member of the OPA and as you know as a judge,...

Q: Okay, does this so-called G4P ("gay for pay") actually take place in the...

Q.  Dan, I just picked up some GH and it’s 8 iu per vial. I normally use the 10 iu/via...

Q: Dan, I have a hell of a time swallowing capsules. I will do it but it takes so much...

Q: Dan, I know that there's counterfeit gear that I should watch out for but I also...

Q: Dan, how important is stretching while trying to grow? I don’t see many guys...

QUESTION: Dan, I heard that clenbuterol is the best drug for cutting. Is it legal in...

QUESTION: Dan, I’ve recently picked up a bottle of ThermaBurn from a local supplement...
