Dan Kennedy
Educated at the University of Western Ontario, Dan employs his degree in Kinesiology as the foundation of his personal training business Elite Physique. He’s also a National level bodybuilder and judge. Dan’s earned a reputation for his knowledge and his tell-it-like-it-is approach to performance enhancement!
Q. Are your athletes allowed to eat nuts?
A. Nuts are too high in fat....
Book Review: The Sports Supplement Bible for Health and Fitness...
Rotator cuff injury commands the attention of every gym rat. If you spend...
Q. Do you really need to weigh your food when dieting? I’ve been told...
Q. I’m so confused by the judging done in bodybuilding contests. What...
Q. I’m so confused by the judging done in bodybuilding contests. What...
Q. What’s the best way to take creatine if I’m cutting carbs?
...Q. How prevalent are US contraband supplements in the Canadian market...
Q: I just enlisted with the Canadian Forces and I leave for Bootcamp in 10 weeks. I'm a...
Q. Dan, when I do a shot (of my vitamin B-12 of course) there's always a little bit...