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Latest Columns

Q: Last issue, MUSCLE INSIDER columnist Dr. Ann de Wees Allen said you can only absorb 30 grams of protein at one meal! Is there any truth to that statement in your opinion? A. The oft-quoted dictum... more
Manitoba Muscle - Darren Mehling
After a record breaking MABBA Novice Championships back in March, it continued to be busy for us in Manitoba through April and May. CBBF NATURAL PHYSIQUE CHAMPIONSHIPS On April 23rd, MABBA... more
Q. What’s desiccated liver and why would any bodybuilder ever want to take it in tablet form? A. Desiccated liver tablets are an ‘old-school’ bodybuilding supplement, I guess you could say. In the... more
Stretching And Bodybuilding
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q: Dan, how important is stretching while trying to grow? I don’t see many guys stretching in the gym but the girls are always over on the stretching mats. I’m pretty cooked after my workout and I... more
Slow vs. Fast Proteins
Applied Bodybuilding - Vince Andrich
Q. A guy at the gym told me that protein powders get digested at different rates, and that I should take in different types of protein through the day. What types of protein should I take? A. ... more
Site Injections
Mass Secrets - Greg Kovacs
Q. How popular are site injections at the top of the sport and what are the most popular body parts to do them in? Do they work?

   A. The answer to your question is a definite yes. Site... more
