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Question: I’ve been following a very low-carbohydrate diet and taking the ephedrine/caffeine stack for the past four months. Recently I’ve been having problems with cramping in the gym. I find that... more
Lyle On FST-7 Training
Ask the Guru - Lyle McDonald
Question: What do you think about Hany Rambod’s FST-7 training system? Answer: FST-7 is a system that involves both heavy weight training (heavy sets in the 8–12 repetition range) but follows up... more
Chad On FST-7 Training
Q: What’s your opinion of FST-7 training? A: In reality, this isn’t a new training theory; however, I will give Hany Rambod credit for putting a new spin on an old concept and being able to... more
Q: Your wife, Kim, was the most dominant Ms. Olympia champion of her era. She then switched to figure. How did her diet and training change to reshape her physique to make the switch? A: Kim’s... more
L-Carnitine In Canada
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
Q: I heard the L-Carnitine ban in Canada is supposed to be lifted anytime now. Is this true? A: I’ve been hearing the same thing from “reliable” sources for well over a year now, so I won’t be... more
Q: I notice a lot more guys are using CLA to help shed fat. What’s the deal? How does it help burn fat? A: CLA actually helps with fat loss in a few different ways. But the main way CLA improves fat... more
