Q: What’s your opinion of FST-7 training?
A: In reality, this isn’t a new training theory; however, I will give Hany Rambod credit for putting a new spin on an old concept and being able to market it into a moneymaking project. Personally, I'm not big into this style of training and don’t feel everyone can benefit from it. Though I believe that a person should train as heavy and hard as possible at all times, I’m not a believer that one style of training (such as FST-7) will give great results to everyone. Just as I believe diets should be completely tailored for each individual (and I feel the same about training), each person has a different makeup and build, so what works for one wouldn’t work for all. I can see, however, where this type of training would work well for someone just beginning in the sport or for someone who has hit a plateau and is looking for a change-up. There is just no substitute for the key basic core movements and heavy lifting to create a powerful, muscular physique.
Want a different opinion on FST-7 training? Then check out what the guru Lyle McDonald has to say about it by clicking HERE!