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Boussingaultia Gracilis
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
Q. Everyone seems to be going nuts over D-aspartic acid and geranium, and now that Anthony Roberts prick seems to be pimping out Boussingaultia gracilis as the next ephedrine! What does The... more
ACACETIN99™ And Estrogen Blocking
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
Q. Are there any new and effective (effective being the key!) estrogen blockers available? Since 6-OXO got yanked from the market, I haven’t been able to find an effective replacement. A. Well,... more
Q. If you were training Canadian IFBB pro Rob Belisle, how would you structure his pre-contest diet prep? A. I’ve never actually seen Rob compete, but judging from a few photos I’ve seen, he does... more
Q. If you were the prime minister of Canada, how would you change the regulations surrounding dietary supplements? A. First off, I have to start by saying that I agree to an extent with how... more
Worst Supplement Scam
BUILT - Jayson Wyner
Q. What's the dirtiest supplement scam you’ve ever heard of? A. The dirtiest scam I’ve heard of is companies mislabeling their products by using low-quality ingredients and formulas that have no... more
Information Or Misinformation
BUILT - Jayson Wyner
Q. Can I trust information on the Internet and in magazines for designing my pre-contest diet, or do you think it’s better to work with a professional? A. While I think both can be excellent... more
