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The Athletes Guide To Nuts
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q. Are your athletes allowed to eat nuts? A. Nuts are too high in fat. You will not lose weight consuming calories high in fat while following our diet strategies. The confusion with nuts is that... more
Fat Burning Supplement Stack
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
Q. I read your article last issue about stacking for mass—great info! But what I really want to know is what supplement stack are you using right now, aside from greens, fish oil, and fiber? A.... more
Q. In the past you've given greens and fiber supplements more props than things like creatine and weight gainers! Are greens and fibers really that important? A. You’re damn right I did! And yes,... more
Fat Loss Training Mistakes
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
Q. What is the number one mistake you see people do when training for fat loss? A. The biggest error I see is that when people are doing their cardio work, they don’t know at what heart rate and... more
Training On A Vegetarian Diet
Power Eating - Lauren Jacobsen
Q. I’m a vegetarian (lacto ovo), and I’ve been told it’s impossible to build a great physique or get really lean eating this way. What’s your take? A. It’s definitely not impossible to build a lean... more
Is Cardio Catabolic
Manitoba Muscle - Darren Mehling
Q. Is cardio catabolic? How much and what type of cardio do you recommend for your athletes? A. Cardio is catabolic, just as weight training is catabolic, in that it breaks down nutrients. What foods... more
