Q. Why should I be taking glutamine? Is it a good fat burner?
A. Dr. Dan Reardon and I have never been huge fans of the amino acid glutamine because it’s never actually been shown to outperform other... more
Q. With my next fitness competition only a few months away, I need an edge if I’m going to place. Should I buy organic foods to prepare my meals this time? Is going organic healthier?
A. Okay, I’ve... more
Q. How many crunches should I be doing to get ripped abs?
A. People are usually shocked when we tell them that it isn’t how many crunches or sit-ups you do that create a lean midsection but rather... more
Q. Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?
A. A goal to lose fat and gain muscle is not possible. To gain muscle, you must be in an excess of calories, but to drop body fat, you must be in... more
Q. Does sodium make you fat?
A. Sodium creates water fluctuations on the scale; it is not causing you to gain body fat. Usually, after a higher sodium meal, you will find an increase in water. A day... more
Q. Is there a specific time to eat to achieve the best results?
A. My diets are designed around your day. There are too many rules to follow in most programs that really do not make a difference. You... more