What’s stearic acid, and why is it used in supplements? Does it interfere with the absorption of vitamins?
Stearic acid is an essential saturated fat found in all vegetable, seed, nut, and animal...
2014-10-30 06:52
I read your online column on Muscle-Insider.com while I’m at work, and you’re one of the smartest in the industry by far! How much does it cost to hire you to do my diet?
I doubt that I’m the “...
2014-10-30 06:52
Mike Davies Fitness Weekend: Day 1AM
“Speak softly, but carry a big stick…” – Teddy Roosevelt
“… Then use that stupid big stick to make girls do one legged jump squats off a bench 100 times...
2024-04-28 02:00
What’s your opinion on the use of ephedrine for fat loss? Do you think it should have ever been banned in the USA?
Ephedrine is a stimulant similar to amphetamine but with substantially less potent...
2014-10-28 14:45
Big man, if you had to choose only one mass exercise per body part, which one would you choose and why?
Well, you’ll never develop a muscle fully with only one exercise per body part. A small body...
2014-10-28 15:05
Greg, you’ve worked with a number of experts or “gurus” in this industry. Who do you feel you benefitted the most from working with? Can you also name some of the other ones? I’m curious how you...
2014-10-28 15:07
Do natural test boosters really work? I know your company Pharmafreak makes a product called TEST FREAK, but can it really increase test levels enough to increase muscle growth like real steroids can...
2014-10-28 15:06
Scott, I’ve been hearing a lot about a new herb called Bulbine natalensis. It’s supposed to raise testosterone. What’s the scoop?
Yes, it’s getting a lot of buzz, and with good reason! Bulbine ...
2014-10-28 15:13
Nutrabolics® has released an innovative new form of Thermal XTC,™ their signature euphoric fat-burning pill supplement. The new fast-absorbing Thermal XTC™...
2024-04-28 02:00
Does soy protein have any place in bodybuilding?
This is an age-old question in bodybuilding and other sports circles, and that’s because there’s a lot of research to wade through on either side...
2018-01-11 22:01
Beast Sports Nutrition, “The Strongest name In Sports Nutrition”™-. Beast produces high quality products for people who are serious about getting big, being strong, keeping...
2024-04-28 02:00
I've been powerlifting for almost 10 years now and have developed both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis in both my elbows and have soft tissue damage in my right shoulder. Can DMSO help me...
2018-01-11 22:02
My chest responds really well to pretty much anything I do, but my lats suck. No matter what I do, they never seem to grow. What can I do?
Building an impressive Herculean back isn't possible for...
2018-01-11 22:10
Why do a lot of pro bodybuilders go to chiropractors?
Bodybuilding injuries can come from a variety of sources. Examples of this may be poor lifting technique, lifting beyond your capabilities...
2014-10-28 14:38
I’m taking amino acid pills after training, but they cost way too much! Are all brands of amino acids of the same quality, as I’ve noticed some cost more?
The most disgusting thing I’ve learned...
2018-01-14 23:34
Hey bro, what’s your honest opinion of female bodybuilding?
I’m a huge fan of all thing bodybuilding—regardless of gender. In my opinion, there’s simply no better way to remodel your entire...
2014-10-28 12:14
Scott, I wanna get shredded. What steroids do the pros use to rip off the fat?
That’s one of the biggest myths involving steroids. They do not burn fat. What they will do is help preserve muscle...
2014-10-28 12:13
Massive Meat Loaf with Skinny Roasted Garlic Mash
Meat Loaf
• 4 large egg whites
• 1 clove garlic, crushed
• ½ cup no-sugar-added ketchup
• ½ cup oatmeal
• 1 medium onion, sautéed
• 1...
2013-10-30 22:33
Is it necessary to take a multivitamin every day?
Is it necessary? No. Should you? Yes. Let me explain. Late Paleolithic humans inhabiting various regions of the earth 50-100 thousand years ago...
2014-10-28 12:11
I heard usnic acid is a great fat-loss supplement and is used quite often overseas. What’s your take?
Usnic acid is not used in the bodybuilding scene over here in England or in any other part of...
2014-10-28 12:10