Can Bulbine Natalensis Boost Testosterone?
Scott, I’ve been hearing a lot about a new herb called Bulbine natalensis. It’s supposed to raise testosterone. What’s the scoop?
Yes, it’s getting a lot of buzz, and with good reason! Bulbine natalensis has been on my radar for a while, not only because it raises testosterone but also because it lowers estrogen. With other test-boosting herbs, you’ll get an increase in estrogen, which can cause a bunch of nasty side effects—but not with this stuff. Animal data from the University of Fort Hare, in South Africa, showed that Bulbine natalensis elevated testosterone to 347 percent of the control group, while lowering estrogen by 35 percent. Another study compa ed it to the leading erectile dysfunction medication and found that it actually produced better results. The results from shifting your hormones to favor testosterone output and minimize estrogen are typically muscle and strength gain, a boost in libido, and an increase in stamina. In effect, what this herb does is give you the benefits of increased testosterone (e.g., size, strength, libido), but none of the problems associated with estrogen (e.g., water retention). And judging by feedback from people who have tried it, Bulbine natalensis is living up to its reputation as a legal yet highly potent testosterone booster. Watch for this test-boosting ingredient to make big news in the coming months.