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Q. What’s desiccated liver and why would any bodybuilder ever want to take it in tablet form? A. Desiccated liver tablets are an ‘old-school’ bodybuilding supplement, I guess you could say. In the...
QUESTION: What does GMP mean? I notice that some supplements say they’re manufactured in a GMP facility. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean the supplements have been tested and are safe?...
QUESTION:  I want to use Tribulus to boost my test levels, but I keep reading about how you have to use the right “strain” of Tribulus, which apparently only comes from Bulgaria. Is this true?...
QUESTION: Go heavy or go home is how I live my life bro. Heavy weights, low reps and some kick ass music. I’ve found this to be the only way I gain mass. I’m 6’2 and weigh about 285 offseason. What’s...
