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Q. How would you help an athlete who's experiencing water retention leading up to a contest? A: Since people—no matter how similar they look on the outside—are completely different, one specific... more
Q  What are some of the biggest mistakes people make when wanting to gain size and get cut? A  I think the worst trend has been what we saw in the late '90s and early in the new millennium, and... more
Q How did you establish yourself in bodybuilding as a pre-contest guru? A Out of high school I began training and competing. In my early 20s I became a police officer, and during that time I... more
Career Highlights
Q. What are some of your proudest moments of your career Chad? A: Obviously, Kim's first Olympia victory in Chicago, in 1996, is one of my best memories. We had spent many years in the Chicago... more
Q: Many companies are liquefying their fat burners. What’s the advantage of doing that? A: I can think of several advantages. One is better absorption in the gut’s harsh HCL environment. A liquid ... more
Pre Workout Nutrition
Q: How much time prior to a workout do you eat and what do you eat? A: Typically, I like to be finished my meal about 30 minutes before my workout. I know a lot of lifters who need at least one hour... more
