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Q. What is German Volume training exactly, and does it fit in a competitive bodybuilder’s routine at the pro level? A. German Volume Training (GVT) was made popular by Charles Poliquin. He didn’t... more
Q. What are the top five most useless muscle-building exercises you see in the gyms today? A. I see all sorts of useless exercises being done by guys in the gym. Let me list a few: Triceps kick-... more
Doggcrapp Training
Ask the Guru - Lyle McDonald
Q: What is Doggcrapp training, and what’s your opinion on its use for bodybuilding from a scientific perspective? A. Doggcrapp (aka DC) training is the brainchild of a guy named Dante Trudel, a... more
Do The Pros Stretch
Mass Secrets - Greg Kovacs
Q. Do the pros stretch? I've never heard much about them doing so and wanted to know if tou did or if other pros you've met over the years stretched at all. A. I personally never stretched as much... more
Caffeine And Fat Loss
Ask the Guru - Lyle McDonald
Q. How do caffeine-based fat burners trigger fat loss? A. Caffeine is, of course, a stimulant. When you take it in, the body releases two hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine (also called... more
Getting Dry
West Coast Muscle - Dean Brandt
Q. What do you do to get really cut up for a photo shoot to shed the last bit of water? A. To get ready for a photo shoot you have to cut your water and get a very dry look , similar to getting ready... more
