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Product Review: KARBOLYN®
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Product Review: KARBOLYN® KARBOLYN® really gained traction in the sports supplement world under the guidance of now deceased IFBB Pro Art Atwood via his company Professional Supplements. Art's... more
Big Chest And Arms
Manitoba Muscle - Darren Mehling
Q. I really just want a big chest and arms. I’ve been bench pressing and doing curls, but I’m not growing as much as I want to. What supplements should I take? A. You are approaching this all... more
Are Strength Sports Beneficial
Manitoba Muscle - Darren Mehling
Q.I heard you used to compete in strength sports. What did you do, and how has it helped you as a coach and trainer? A.Yes, I have competed in a wide variety of sports. I was initially involved... more
Can I Win A Show
Manitoba Muscle - Darren Mehling
Q. After reading last issue’s MUSCLE INSIDER and seeing the competition pictures of one of the local shows, I have mostly decided I want to compete in bodybuilding. I’m 36 years old with a wife, two... more
Q: I'm thinking of adding cardio to my strength training to help me drop to 7 percent bodyfat. Do you think this is the best approach to for me to take? A: NO! Definitely NO! Especially if you're... more
By Scott Welch, Owner MUSCLE INSIDER 1996 was the year I first broke into the business side of the fitness industry. I was still a student at Ryerson University where I was studying Nutrition. I... more
