Q. Are there any new and effective (effective being the key!) estrogen blockers available? Since 6-OXO got yanked from the market, I haven’t been able to find an effective replacement.
A. Well,... more
Q. If you were training Canadian IFBB pro Rob Belisle, how would you structure his pre-contest diet prep?
A. I’ve never actually seen Rob compete, but judging from a few photos I’ve seen, he does... more
Q. If you were the prime minister of Canada, how would you change the regulations surrounding dietary supplements?
A. First off, I have to start by saying that I agree to an extent with how... more
Q. What's the dirtiest supplement scam you’ve ever heard of?
A. The dirtiest scam I’ve heard of is companies mislabeling their products by using low-quality ingredients and formulas that have no... more
Q. Can I trust information on the Internet and in magazines for designing my pre-contest diet, or do you think it’s better to work with a professional?
A. While I think both can be excellent... more
Q. When you look through the top magazines in the industry, what percentage of the guys in the photos would you say are natural and what percentage aren’t?
A. The answer to this really begins... more