Are The Guys In The Magazines Natural
Q. When you look through the top magazines in the industry, what percentage of the guys in the photos would you say are natural and what percentage aren’t?
A. The answer to this really begins with taking a look at the drug regulations (or lack thereof) in the top bodybuilding competitions in the industry. It’s the guys who compete to win that you’ll see on nearly every page of a bodybuilding magazine. And many competitions don’t prohibit the use of enhancement drugs, so it should be no surprise that people take advantage of this. I mean, I’m not ruling out freaky genetics, hardcore training, or a strict diet, but what it boils down to is this: If you were competing for the title of Mr. Olympia, would you do it naturally if you didn’t have to? The reality of it is, the hardcore magazines are going to have a very low percentage of natural bodybuilders. I’m not saying 100 percent of the guys in these magazines got so monstrous by using illegal substances—just the vast majority.
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