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Supplement Tidbits
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
A new way to measure kidney function in bodybuilders Creatine has been studied over and over and over again. One thing that comes up repeatedly is its effect on the kidneys. Traditionally,... more
A case for eating frozen white bread As bodybuilders, we avoid white bread like the plague. It’s low in nutrients, high on the glycemic index, and just not great for us. But recently in Britain,... more
Muscle Beach Blast - Aug-Sept 15
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Mecca YouTube Video of the month If you thought last month was insane at Venice Beach, California, just wait until you see what DaveMadMax6 has in store for you this time! We have Ms. Figure... more
Fat Loss Tidbits 3 grams is the magic number for fish oil More studies have come out on the benefits of taking fish oil than practically any other supplement. If you’re not taking it yet, you’re... more
The Best Foods To Reduce Inflammation In Your Joints
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
Weight training can be hard on your joints, but if you have the proper nutrients from food to help reduce the inflammation, you can sustain healthy joints for a lifetime. Here are a few things to... more
The Ephedrine Safety Scandal of the 90s
Fitness Inventor - Mark Gilbert
If you were around bodybuilding or were a hardcore gym-goer back in the 1990s or early 2000s, you’re probably familiar with ephedrine (or in its natural state, “ephedra,” from the herb called ma... more
