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Health Zone - Hypoxia - Stress - Broccoli
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Hypoxia for hypertrophy Phil Heath is Mr. Olympia because he trains hard, diets hard, and is genetically gifted. But what if training in Colorado is also a “gift”? Japanese researchers have shown... more
GRID: A League of Its Own
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
“(GRID is the) world’s first professional spectator sport with co-ed teams competing in human performance races.” – Tony Budding, first CEO of the National Pro Grid League, and former director of... more
In the July 1989 issue of IronMan magazine, Bob Paris came out to Lonnie Teper, making him the first openly gay bodybuilder. When Lonnie asked if he was fearful of the repercussions of coming out,... more
Picking the right coach
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
These days, everyone seems to use a prep coach before entering a competition or physique transformation. With that said, do you know what you should be looking for in a coach? There are certain basic... more
Craziest Pre Contest Rituals and Habits
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
As a competition-prep coach for both IFBB pros and amateur athletes across North America, I’ve had the opportunity to be in the trenches for many different competition circuits. I applaud and respect... more
Phenomenal Abdominals - Markus Kaulius
Prior to the 2015 Olympia, I’d never met Markus Kaulius. I knew who he was, obviously, because he owns and operates one of the most successful supplement companies in North America, and we have 177... more
