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Scott Welch

Scott Welch BASc. (Nutrition)

Scott Welch has devoted his career studying performance enhancement and weight loss through dietary intervention. He received a bachelor of applied science degree in Nutrition from Ryerson University and later completed a post-graduate certificate in advertising. He’s had countless interactions with leading scientists, doctors, and hundreds of trainers from around the world, giving him a unique perspective that others lack. Welch founded MUSCLE INSIDER in 2009.


They're four components to physical activity: frequency (how often), intensity (how hard), type...

Pick up any fitness magazine and you’ll see countless ab-training routines, all promising you a...

Scientists have long realized the importance of lean body mass (LBM) in relation to metabolism....

Not so long ago, women weren’t encouraged to participate in resistance training. They were told...

Spot reduction is a myth, a fallacy, a make-believe construct. Spot reduction has gained a...

If your goal is to lose fat, counting calories and burning them through exercise is of the ...

As the Publisher of Muscle Insider, my advertisers allow me to try the newest sports supplements...

QUESTION: I’m drug tested at work and if I’m caught using “anything” I lose my job! I’ve...

Vitamin World used to be one of America's largest retailers of health and wellness products but...

In 1991, I began pursuing a future as a competitive bodybuilder. Despite bad genetics, I was...
