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Q. How does synephrine work, and why the hell did Health Canada ban it from being included in any fat burners?

QUESTION: Do you have any tricks to help control carb and sugar cravings while I’m dieting?

QUESTION: Is there anything I can do or any tricks that I can use to instantly increase my bench press?

QUESTION: Scott, give me the straight dope, bro: How am I supposed to know what’s the best supplement to take and what’s a total scam? I mean, let’s be serious: Every store I go to has...

QUESTION: I recently took a little Mexican vacation and brought back a steroid called Maxigan. What’s your opinion on this stuff?

QUESTION: Tell me the truth, Scott: Are the before and after pictures you see in the magazines fake?

QUESTION: I see a lot of companies now including different geranium oil extracts in their fat burners. What’s the deal with geranium, and how does it affect fat loss?


QUESTION: I’ve been using creatine and have seen some results but
nothing like the magazine ads say you will. Some guys tell me you can gain an inch on your arms in just a week on...
