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Muscle Talk

“I thought that getting my pro card would have been enough, but it’s proven to me I can achieve seemingly unattainable things. “


Toronto Pro SuperShow Contest Predictions

It's a story for anyone who wonders where they fit in. For anyone who hasn't yet found 'their place' in this world. For anyone who thought they couldn't. For the underdog.

Mike Davies Fitness Bootcamp - Day 2 - AM

"Girls make mistakes, But you can't be an ass."
- Mike Davies, on whether he...

Mike Davies Fitness Weekend – Day 1 – PM

“Women empower each other, Girls compete against each other”
– Colleen from The...

Mike Davies Fitness Weekend: Day 1AM

“Speak softly, but carry a big stick…” – Teddy Roosevelt

“… Then use that stupid big...


From “The Journal of Obscure Supplements You’ve Never Heard of, but May Actually Help You”:

I realize there aren’t any actual words in...

Q. The latest research says Arachidonic Acid supplements have muscle building properties. Is that true?

A. Arahidonic acid is an Omega 6 Essential fatty acid; just like...

Fish oil is another name for the polyunsaturated omega-3 fats found in cold-water fatty fish such as salmon. Omega-3s are known as “essential fatty acids” (EFAs); they’re “...
