They're four components to physical activity: frequency (how often), intensity (how hard), type (what kind), and time (how long). In a recent study, researchers found that time and intensity of...
Pick up any fitness magazine and you’ll see countless ab-training routines, all promising you a rock-hard sixpack! But not at MUSCLE INSIDER, because we know that’s bullshit! But don’t just take...
Scientists have long realized the importance of lean body mass (LBM) in relation to metabolism. The hardest thing about dieting isn’t figuring out a way to lose weight; there are plenty of ways to...
Not so long ago, women weren’t encouraged to participate in resistance training. They were told they would look too “manly.” Of course, this is not the case! Strong is sexy! A study examined the...
Spot reduction is a myth, a fallacy, a make-believe construct. Spot reduction has gained a reputation for being more fiction than fact. Until recently, though, scientists weren’t able to prove in...
If your goal is to lose fat, counting calories and burning them through exercise is of the utmost importance. If you’re not in a caloric deficit, your fat mass will never decrease. Calories are...
It’s kind of amazing to look back and realize that the last time Arnold Schwarzenegger competed in a bodybuilding contest was 1980—36 years ago. Before a lot of readers of MUSCLE INSIDER were even...
Certain events and dates in history mark the change of an era. One of the most significant is the birth of Jesus, which the Gregorian calendar uses to distinguish A.D. from B.C. Others include the...