Don Gauvreau
It’s summertime, and I need to shed that last bit of water before I hit the beach on the weekends. Any advice on the best natural diuretics I can use?
Do natural test boosters really work? I know your company Pharmafreak makes a product called TEST FREAK, but can it really increase test levels enough to increase muscle growth like real...
Q. Sometimes my friends and I take ecstasy and dance our asses off all night. I always look shredded the next day. Does E burn fat, or is it mostly dehydrating me? Does 5-HTP help with the...
Q. What supplement developments are coming in 2013? Anything you think bodybuilders and other athletes should be excited about? Tell me, Godfather, I want a prediction!
Q. Congratulations on Ripped Freak winning the Fat Burner of the Year award! This product is terrific. What’s the difference between Ripped Freak and Ripped Freak Pre-Workout?
Q. What sets your PharmaFreak and SD Pharmaceuticals companies apart from others...
Q. What’s your opinion of COLD-FX? Does it really fight off a cold, or is it all just hype?
Q. I heard Dr. Oz plug palm oil as a healthy fat, but isn’t palm oil a saturated fat? Does it really have any good benefits?
...Q. There are so many different protein sources used in all the protein powders nowadays (whey concentrate, whey isolate, casein, milk protein, etc.). Can you...
Q. I read your article last issue about stacking for mass—great info! But what I really want to know is what supplement stack are you using right now, aside from greens, fish oil, and...