Q. Why do you recommend that your athletes weigh themselves every day?
Q. Why do you like your athletes to stay lean while trying to bulk up? Doesn’t it take twice as long with little result?
A. What point is there in putting on excess body...
Q. What do I look for when buying protein powder?
Q. How much weight should I lose each week without losing muscle?
Q. Can I consume more than one serving of whey powder each day?
A. While trying to adapt to the volume of calories and protein, you may use more protein powder. Protein...
Q. Why do you recommend not consuming salmon and peanut butter with your diets?
Q. I find when I’m dieting for any more than a month, I become constipated. Why does this happen to me?
Q. I notice that with your diets you have people eating tons of food! Why do I have to eat so many calories?
Q. Can I use low-fat margarine when dieting?
A. Do not add any fats such as low-fat margarine. Low-fat margarine is still high in fat with the difference that it contains a...
Q. How do I know what fat percentage is okay when buying food?
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