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Product Reviews

Canadian legacy brand Pure Vita Labs (PVL) has expanded their distribution and has made their products available at Whole Foods... [More]
Gaspari Nutrition has brought back Detonate (now branded as DTN8) and it’s just in time to help us all lose some of the weight we... [More]
Back in February, we previewed the new XP Labs Keto Pro. Well, the Canadian brand is back with two new powders, this time it’s a... [More]
A legal settlement has been reached in a class-action lawsuit involving purchasers of certain CytoSport/Muscle Milk Protein Ready... [More]
There has been no lack of headlines when it comes to news about the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the world we live in.... [More]
Earlier this year we almost lost John Meadows as he suffered from a heart attack. It’s an understatement to say we were very... [More]
Vega has been a well-known name in the sports nutrition industry for many years now. The recent addition of Vega Protein &... [More]
It was just a short time ago that we previewed ATP Labs Electrolytes XL, which helps contribute to improved hydration, muscle... [More]
In today’s day and age, it is clear to see that many people are eager to share their stories with their social media followers.... [More]
We’ve been hearing a lot of exciting news coming from the Quebec-based company XPN over the last several weeks. We brought you... [More]
We’ve heard rumors that MuscleTech’s been working behind the scenes doing a major rebranding to give their products a fresh new... [More]
Many of us grew up with our moms trying to get us to eat red beets, professing to us how good they are for us. While we may have... [More]
