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Product Reviews

NutraBio was founded in New Jersey back in 1996 by a guy named Mark Glazier (pictured above). He built his business behind the... [More]
TC Nutrition is a Canadian supplement company based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. They've been around a few years, known mostly for... [More]
Bang energy just released a Cotton Candy flavour of their caffeine-free version of Bang. It seems like every day Bang creates... [More]
Sun Chlorella has been one of the leading chlorella companies for over 50 years. Originating in Japan, Sun Chlorella is now the... [More]
Back in March we released news that Redcon1 was coming out with 2 unique flavours of Total War that would be exclusive to Canada... [More]
Last year Mutant released their Whey product in what they call their “Dual Chamber Bag”. What’s a Dual Chamber Bag? Good question... [More]
Ballistic Labs
Ballistic Labs is a proudly Canadian brand, from Surrey, British Columbia. The brand is committed to providing customers with... [More]
Back in February, we saw a sneak preview of Performance EAA from Quebec based Believe Supplements. We now have the full formula... [More]
Built Bar
Based in Spanish Fork, Utah, Built Bar aims to produce a wholesome bar with 15-20 grams of protein, while keeping the calories... [More]
EHP Labs
EHP Labs OxyShred has become one of the top choices for thermogenic fat burners around the world. One major reason more than two... [More]
ATP Lab is a contract manufacturing plant based in Quebec, which also has a supplement line under the same name. ATP Lab is known... [More]
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many supplement companies have jumped on the bandwagon and came out with supplements aimed... [More]
