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QUESTION: How much protein can a bodybuilder or athlete absorb in one meal?
ANSWER: The amount of protein an athlete (or non-athlete) can absorb/metabolize is referred to as the protein threshold... more
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QUESTION: Scott I love your "tell it like it is" approach to bodybuilding. So what's your honest opinion of Dexter Jackson's likelihood of ever winning an Olympia title again?
ANSWER: Not likely... more
QUEST: What are the most common errors a competitor makes when they are prepping for their first show?
When I initially work with a competitive athlete I like to see what they’ve done... more
QUESTION: When I drink BSN'S TRUE MASS, I get diarrhea and need to sprint to the bathroom before I shit my pants! Should I switch to straight whey protein?
ANSWER: First of all, BSN Is a well... more
QUESTION: I’ve picked up a box of methyltestosterone from Aburaihan. Everyone says it’s a terrible steroid to take and its only good for aggression. Can I make any gains on it?
ANSWER:... more