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QUESTION: My question regards my 8 year old son. He is very athletically gifted. He loves football and wrestling. Now he has taken an interest into going to the gym with me. We focus on form and... more
QUESTION: Last issue you said protein prices are going way up and you were right! Are protein powder prices going to continue to rise or are they coming down?
ANSWER: No! Not during first quarter of... more
QUESTION: I’ve heard a rumor that all UG GH that is not a solid puck is not really GH but in fact is GHRP-6. Is there any truth to this?
ANSWER: There probably is some truth to this. The solid... more
QUESTION: If you were to talk to a teenage bodybuilding competitor trying to win a provincial show, what tips would you give him?
ANSWER: One of the biggest secrets to doing well in this game is... more
QUESTION: I watched an old video with a pro bodybuilder bench pressing with his feet crossed and raised in the air. What’s the point of this?
ANSWER: If there was ever something that made me want to... more
QUESTION: I’m fairly satisfied with my build with the exception of my traps. What can I do to build them up to Markus Ruhl’s size?
ANSWER: I recommend a combination of heavy shrugs with lighter... more