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Q: You’re a celebrity in the fitness industry – some would say that you are an outlier in your profession. But there are individuals who attack you on Internet forums. You never respond to them, but... more
Mediterranean Pizza
BodybuildingCookBook.com - Laura Creavalle
Mediterranean Pizza 7" pocket pita bread (make sure it has a pocket) ¼ cup low-fat or fat-free mozzarella ¼ cup eggplant, chopped 1 tsp fresh garlic, minced 4 fresh spinach... more
Big Back Berry Shake
BodybuildingCookBook.com - Laura Creavalle
Big Back Berry Shake   1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup mixed berries (frozen or fresh) 1 serving creatine 1 serving glutamine 1 serving whey protein powder In blender, add... more
Training Accessories
Q: Is there any advantage to using accessories such as lifting straps, knee wraps and belts? Every time I bring one of those things out I’m told it’s cheating to move more weight. A: The answer... more
Lunch With Dorian Yates
Lunch With Dorian Yates From the time I became interested in bodybuilding up to now, the one person I always believed best personified bodybuilding, from his hardcore attitude to his Blood and... more
Please Sell Me Your Posing Trunks
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q: Okay, does this so-called G4P ("gay for pay") actually take place in the bodybuilding subculture? Online forums seem to feature almost weekly threads concerning the matter. Peter Oshawa, ON A... more
