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Top 5 Biceps Machines By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
Biceps are the single most prominent body part on a bodybuilder or a regular workout warrior. For a man, nothing exemplifies masculinity like well-developed, muscular biceps. For a woman, biceps with... more
Protein Camp Cookies
Michelle Ralph-Larose - Michelle Ralph-Larose
This recipe is a perfect example of tossing things together in a pinch and making it work. I used just the basics of what I had available while camping, keeping in mind macros, flavours and texture.... more
HIT3 Training Program Case Study By Robert John Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
Nicole Rakowski is a 28-year-old woman who has been physically active since her youth. She was always a competitive athlete, pushing herself past her limits in practice and training. Achieving levels... more
Top 5 Best Glute Exercise Machines By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
More than any other body part, developing toned glutes has become an obsession for female gym-goers, and now every gym has one or more glute exercise machines. But glute machines have actually been... more
Beauty-Building Through Bodybuilding By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
When people think of the term “bodybuilding,” the first image and association that comes to mind is usually that of a muscular male physique. Therefore, many of those individuals may think that my hi... more
Protein Fudgesicles
Michelle Ralph-Larose - Michelle Ralph-Larose
These homemade fudgesicles are so easy to make with just a few ingredients! Packed with protein, low in sugars and gluten free, they are extremely rich and chocolatey. Ingredients: 1 can of... more
