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Question: As a competitor, how heavy should I get in the off-season?
ANSWER: Keeping body fat levels under control should be a major concern for off-season athletes. Getting too fat in the off-season... more
Question: Should I do my cardio in the morning in a fasted state, or after my workout?
ANSWER: Cardio is done in a fasted state in the morning because of the belief that carb stores are low, so the... more
Questions: What do you think are the best supplements for getting ripped?
ANSWER: Assuming you’ve got a decent muscle mass built up, you’ll want to keep your body on a 24-hour fat-reduction... more
QUESTION: I was told to cut my carbs at night when trying to get ripped—no carbs after 6 p.m. Is this true?
ANSWER: If you’re trying to get ripped then yes, I would suggest dropping your carbs at 6 p... more
QUESTION: What are your thoughts on online coaching for fitness competitors who don’t have the convenience or money to work in the same city as the trainer they want to use?
ANSWER: I think online... more
QUESTION: If a person hated training abs but dieted hard, could he or she see the same abdominal development results as someone who trained abs frequently?
ANSWER: Clean eating has many benefits: the... more