Online Coaching for Fitness Competitors
QUESTION: What are your thoughts on online coaching for fitness competitors who don’t have the convenience or money to work in the same city as the trainer they want to use?
ANSWER: I think online systems can be great for specific situations. When geography is an issue for an athlete wanting to train with one specific person, online coaching can provide a point of contact with an excellent resource that would otherwise be unreachable to that athlete. Fitness coaches can provide many useful diet tips and training techniques that are just as relevant over a computer as they are in real life, and can really provide a jump-start to an athlete who is facing obstacles to his or her progress with diet, training, or physique. I’ve even seen some coaches using video conferencing to provide real-time posture and technique feedback for their clients. This being said, online coaching can never substitute the personal connection, hands-on management, and motivation athletes find in face-to-face fitness coaching; after all, it isn’t called “personal” training for nothing!
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