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5 Protein Sources You Should Be Drinking
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
Whey Protein Isolate 

Whey protein isolate (WPI) has a very high biological value and is considered the gold standard of all protein sources! Just like WPC, it’s derived from dairy, but WPI is... more
How to Get Shredded
Women's Physique - Tammy Strome
Q: What’s the maximum amount of cardio and minimum amount of food needed to really get shredded?  
I’m not a big fan of ultra-low calorie diets as they can damage the metabolism, which can make it... more
Maintaining a Ripped Physique
Women's Physique - Tammy Strome
Q: How Long Can I maintain an ultra ripped physique? It really does depend. It won’t be as concerning for a woman who naturally holds low body fat as this is what her physiology is adapted to. The... more
Question: Can a guy really get ripped doing the If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) diet? ANSWER: The simple answer to this question is “yes.” However, as with most things in nutrition, there’s much more... more
Best Fat Loss Supplements
Fitness Inventor - Mark Gilbert
Question: What are the top three best fat-loss supplements you’d give a client? ANSWER: The most important and effective fat burner by far is lean protein and especially whey protein. Anyone who... more
Update on MuscleGenes Project
Fitness Inventor - Mark Gilbert
Question: What’s going on with your new genetics project? How does it work, and when will it be released? ANSWER: Our new genetics project is called “MuscleGenes,” and I can honestly say that this... more
