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Alcohol & Bodybuilding
Uncensored - Scott Welch
QUESTION: I love drinking beers on the weekends with the boys and picking up the ladies! I train all week for the ladies. Work my ass off doing a stupid job for the ladies. Go through traffic jams... more
QUESTION:  I want to use Tribulus to boost my test levels, but I keep reading about how you have to use the right “strain” of Tribulus, which apparently only comes from Bulgaria. Is this true?... more
Big Bob's Breakfast Fajitas
BodybuildingCookBook.com - Laura Creavalle
Big Bob's Breakfast Fajitas 6 egg whites and a yolk fat-free cheddar cheese fat-free flour tortillas Beat the whites and yolk and put in a skillet with PAM cooking spray. Cook the eggs... more
Benedryl & Performance
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Question: Does taking Benadryl reduce muscle gains or fat loss? Answer: Allergies are caused by your body's immune system overreacting to a particular stimulus that it may be genetically... more
Winstrol or Tren For Cutting?
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
QUESTION: I’m a bit confused. I need to get ripped for a photoshoot but I don’t know which steroid to take to achieve these results. I have access to Winstrol V and Tren. Which of these two is my... more
QUESTION: Is it true that lifting weights as a teenager can stunt your growth? Great question! For the answer, I turn it over to long time friend and someone more familiar with training teenagers... more
