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Maintaining a Ripped Physique
Women's Physique - Tammy Strome
Q: How Long Can I maintain an ultra ripped physique? It really does depend. It won’t be as concerning for a woman who naturally holds low body fat as this is what her physiology is adapted to. The... more
Question: Can a guy really get ripped doing the If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) diet? ANSWER: The simple answer to this question is “yes.” However, as with most things in nutrition, there’s much more... more
Best Fat Loss Supplements
Fitness Inventor - Mark Gilbert
Question: What are the top three best fat-loss supplements you’d give a client? ANSWER: The most important and effective fat burner by far is lean protein and especially whey protein. Anyone who... more
Update on MuscleGenes Project
Fitness Inventor - Mark Gilbert
Question: What’s going on with your new genetics project? How does it work, and when will it be released? ANSWER: Our new genetics project is called “MuscleGenes,” and I can honestly say that this... more
Off-Season Bodyweight
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Question: As a competitor, how heavy should I get in the off-season? ANSWER: Keeping body fat levels under control should be a major concern for off-season athletes. Getting too fat in the off-season... more
Post Workout or Fasted Cardio
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Question: Should I do my cardio in the morning in a fasted state, or after my workout? ANSWER: Cardio is done in a fasted state in the morning because of the belief that carb stores are low, so the... more
