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Please Sell Me Your Posing Trunks
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q: Okay, does this so-called G4P ("gay for pay") actually take place in the bodybuilding subculture? Online forums seem to feature almost weekly threads concerning the matter. Peter Oshawa, ON A... more
GH Blue Tops
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q.  Dan, I just picked up some GH and it’s 8 iu per vial. I normally use the 10 iu/via blue tops and I don’t have any problems measuring it out. The 8 iu stuff is expensive and really don’t want to... more
Q.  I am the winner of lightweight and Overall at Manitoba privincials June 4th, my business was a sponsor as well there are no pictures of me ever giving any trophies and now there are no pictures... more
Swallowing Capsules 101
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q: Dan, I have a hell of a time swallowing capsules. I will do it but it takes so much effort to get them down it's a joke. How do the pros swallow so many pills!?  A: Well, the simple tip would... more
Counterfeit Supplements
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Q: Dan, I know that there's counterfeit gear that I should watch out for but I also heard that sometimes supplements are counterfeited. Is this true?  A: I've been involved heavily in the... more
Diet Soda And Fat Gain
Optimum Sports Nutrition - Dr. Ann de Wees Allen
Q. I drink diet soda when cutting up and find that it crushes my hunger. Are there any down sides to drinking diet soda? A. Great question! I think the answer may surprise you. If you are... more
