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Fish oil - Rhodiola Rosea - Glutamine
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Is there anything fish oil can’t do? Researchers at the University of Washington took a look at 15 non-vitamin and non-mineral specialty supplements (glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, fish oil,... more
Judging at the Olympia
The Romano Factor - John Romano
Several thousand bodybuilding fans from all over the world are making a trip to Las Vegas to be in town for the 50th anniversary of the Mr. Olympia competition. And by all accounts, they’re going to... more
Does this mean that I’m predicting Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay will be Mr. Olympia? It does. I just can’t tell you when. If I could do that, I wouldn’t be doing this; I’d be at the track with a... more
A plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle is becoming more and more popular nowadays, especially in Canada and even with top-caliber athletes. Why is this? Well, I believe that people are becoming more... more
Eggs - Cavemen - Bodyfat
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
It’s not a joke—eat more yolk! Trying to lose weight can be hard, tedious, and relatively unenjoyable (read: downright awful!). Would it be awesome if there were a natural supplement out there that... more
Sodium and Fat Loss
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
After another successful winning streak for my clients across the country, Freak Fitness athletes have built a reputation, almost an expectation now, for being front-runners no matter what show or... more
