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Don Gauvreau

Don Gauvreau MSc, CSCS
Don Gauvreau, A.K.A. The Supplement Godfather, is one of the leading researchers and product formulators in the sports supplement industry.


Q. What supplement developments are coming in 2013? Anything you think bodybuilders and...

Q. Congratulations on Ripped Freak winning the Fat Burner of the Year award! This...

Q. Dr. Oz seems to pimp out a new supplement every episode! The latest is raspberry...

Q. What’s your opinion of COLD-FX? Does it really fight off...

Q. What's you opinion of Mucuna pruriens for increasing testosterone...

Q. I heard Dr. Oz plug palm oil as a healthy fat, but isn’t...

Q. There are so many different protein sources used in all...

Q. How does CLA actually work to boost fat loss?


Q. I read your article last issue about stacking for mass—great info! But what I really...
