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Jayson Wyner

Q. If you were the prime minister of Canada, how would you change the regulations surrounding dietary supplements?

Q. What's the dirtiest supplement scam you’ve ever heard of?

Q. Can I trust information on the Internet and in magazines for designing my pre-contest diet, or do you think it’s better to work with a professional?

Q. When you look through the top magazines in the industry, what percentage of the guys in the photos would you say are natural and what percentage aren’t?

Q. What’s your opinion of personal trainers you see in the gym? Are they really qualified to train people?

Q. I know that you normally only take on the top MMA fighters or big names in bodybuilding, but I swear I’m going to win the Olympia one day, no doubt! I don’t have the cash to hire you...

Q. What’s your honest opinion on waxy maize after a workout?

Q. What are the top 5 biggest dieting mistake you see people make?

1. Eating clean 24-7: By allowing yourself scheduled cheat meals,...

Q. How does the training of “Shogun” Rua or other top MMA fighters that you’ve interviewed or trained differ from some of the top IFBB pros you’ve met or worked with?
