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Jayson Wyner

Q: Can both men and women expect to see the same results if you put them on the same weight-training circuit geared for fat loss?

Q: I saw on Facebook that your company Nutrabolics recently celebrated 11 years in business! How did you start Nutrabolics?

Q: Jayson, I’ve noticed you’ve got amazing back definition. Do you have any tips for lat pull-downs?

A: Pull-downs aren’t routinely done for low reps with a heavy weight;...

Q: Circuit training and the Belly Burn.... Lately I feel I have been packing on some extra pounds. I already upped my cardio, but I want to do more. Is circuit training a good way to lose...

Getting to know gluten

Q: We’ve seen a recent trend toward shorter but more intense workouts (P90X to Insanity, 10-minute abs to 8-minute abs). Is this a marketing gimmick, or does the concept of “short but...

Questions: What do you think are the best supplements for getting ripped?

QUESTION: I was told to cut my carbs at night when trying to get ripped—no carbs after 6 p.m. Is this true?

ANSWER: If you’re trying to get ripped then yes...

QUESTION: What are your thoughts on online coaching for fitness competitors who don’t have the convenience or money to work in the same city as the trainer they want to...
