Mark is an expert in sports nutrition and dietary supplements. He has over 20 years of experience working with the biggest names in the bodybuilding industry.
QUESTION: How much protein do bodybuilder need while cutting?
ANSWER: When researchers put athletes on a weight-loss diet, a group that ate 2.3 grams of protein per kilo bodyweight (35% of calories in
their diet were from protein) lost almost no lean body mass, whilst the group that got 1 gram per kilo (15%) lost over FIVE TIMES more lean mass (1.6 kilos). This "15%" protein intake that caused the one group to lose so much muscle is the amount that mainstream dieticians and national organizations still typically sad! Fat loss for both groups was the same BUT these are "athletes" who wouldn't have had too much fat to lose. In a normal "off season" bodybuilder, losses in fat are increased by a higher-protein diet. So if you want to hang onto your hard-earned muscle when you diet (which among other things keeps your metabolic rate elevated), increase your protein intake. Generally, 2.3 grams per kilo (35%) would be a "starting point" for optimum fat loss but many people have to go a much higher percent protein than this to get optimal fat loss results.