Q. What are you doing training-wise to improve your physique for the upcoming contest...
Q. There seems to be this whole underworld of schmoes that put female bodybuilding in a...
Q. I’ve noticed that many pros don’t train using a full range of motion on every rep and...
Q. Do you use protein powder all the way up to the day of a show? If so, how much and...
Q. How important is a multivitamin supplement to a female athlete at...
Q. Do the pros that you’ve known actually use the supplements that...
Q. Do you use pre-workout and/or post-workout products? What do you think the benefits...
Q. What’s your opinion on low-fat versus low-carb dieting for pre-contest diets?...
Q. If you were to give an up-and-coming bodybuilder one piece of advice that would be...
Q. How did you find crossing over from the CBFF to the IFBB in terms of the shows are...
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