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Scott Welch BASc. (Nutrition)

Scott Welch has devoted his career studying performance enhancement and weight loss through dietary intervention. He received a bachelor of applied science degree in Nutrition from Ryerson University and later completed a post-graduate certificate in advertising. He’s had countless interactions with leading scientists, doctors, and hundreds of trainers from around the world, giving him a unique perspective that others lack. Welch founded MUSCLE INSIDER in 2009.

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Why Was My Photo Not In Your Magazine?

QUESTION: Dear Scott, it was a pleasure to see you at last week's natural physique show in Laval. It's wonderful to see Muscle Insider implicated in all the shows, from the biggest to the smallest (coupe pro gym espoir). I think it says a lot about you and your goals. You seem to appreciate when things are straight and true. I also want to thank you for the article from Garry Bartlett about the Nationals. He had nice words about my physique, but though everyone agrees about the real battle that was my catergory, the women heavyweight, no magazine has used the top 3 pics from this category. I've seen top 3 light and middleweight in the Inside Fitness, and now, top 3 middleweight and overall. Can I ask you why because when I asked Garry, he told me that the pics were to the choice of the magazine??? And I can handle any response... trust me, I've learn my lesson. I had the bad idea to say something true out loud once and then, I had to face huge arguments with people I don't even know! So now, when I hear the truth, I shut my mouth. So why didn't you put the top 3 heavyweight? Is it because I was abviously better on every pic? I don't mean to sound cocky but it's hard not to take it personally. I think I have something different, not better, just different. Isn't it time that female bodybuilding turns to somehting new? You've been nice to me everytime I saw you, and you didn't miss a chance to put me in your pics at the end. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

ANSWER: Hi Fabie, we normally don't do articles on contest coverage in the print version of MUSCLE INSIDER.  We do show tons of photo galleries online of course. But we decided to do so for our last issue to see how readers reacted. We loved Garry’s coverage on the Nationals and felt it was a great read. The article was 6 pages long which we actually had to cut text to fit the photos we did use into the layout! As such, we do the very best we can to show the winners of each class and the overall champions. Of course, we would like to show more bodybuilders (both men and women) but space doesn't always permit this. When you choose one athlete to show you upset another, we can't win! As you know, we used a picture of you in a previous issue which you were happy with when we last spoke in Quebec. We've also posted a picture of the top 3 of your class above. You all look great! With thousands of athletes wanting to be in our magazine, we cannot make every single athlete happy every single issue. I wish we could. I hope you understand and see the bigger picture and not take this as an insult to you, your physique or the sport. If we continue to get more advertisers on board with our magazine we will be able to make it thicker and include more photos of Canadian CBBF athletes like yourself. The great news is that our next issue is 16 pages thicker which has allowed us to give a full column to every CBBF division in Canada - yes even Quebec! We are also paid sponsors of every CBBF show in Canada (there are 36 shows) and will post contest coverage of every event at Muscle-Insider.com when it happens! We will be at the Nationals this year and we hope you do earn your IFBB Pro Card Fabie. See you at the next show.